Unruly female emotion was once attributed to a deviant womb wandering through the body.

Our flesh is cast as monstrous in its capacity to feel.

‘Testimonial’ and ‘attest’ both derive directly from ‘testes’ – the gateway to truth is gendered –
horror is a woman who knows.

Pop, misogynistic horror tropes, Julia Kristeva’s theory of abjection, the sexist history of our health system, soft porn, Barbara Creed’s ‘Monstrous Feminine’. I Get So Emotional Baby looks at the ways in which women’s ownership of their own emotional and bodily realities is systemically threatened.

Basement Theatre, Auckland
October 2022

Choreography – Jessie McCall
Performance – Anu Khapung, Sofia McIntyre, Sharvon Mortimer & Evie Logan
Costume & Sound Design – Jessie McCall
 Producer – Zoe Nicholson
Images – Jinki Cambronero & John Rata

“Through the combined impact of dance and design, I Get So Emotional Baby enables multiple truths to coexist,
|just as they do in our reality… This is a production in the hands of artists who know precisely what they’re doing.
It’s focused and formidable; well-made and compelling.”                       –  Tate Fountain, Bad Apple, Full Review Here

“I Get So Emotional Baby is a glorious mixture of whimsy, anger, sadness, humour, tragedy and heart.”
– Andrew Whiteside, Full Review Here

“I Get So Emotional Baby is a complex and engaging investigation of the expression of emotions, of inhabiting a female body, and of inhabiting a hostile world. Jessie McCall and her team of collaborators have created a work which emphatically proves that the body can express what the mouth cannot.” 
     –  Irene Corbett, Theatrescenes  Full Review Here